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Expert Advice for Building an Efficient HubSpot Workflow

Written by CJ Maurer | Jun 23, 2023 12:00:00 PM

HubSpot offers businesses like yours tremendous potential to bring in new customers and better manage your relationships with leads and existing customers. With HubSpot, you have tools at your fingertips that will enhance the customer journey at every step while also empowering you to track your leads and analyze their behavior. This information then prepares you for the potential relationships you can build so you can nurture the growth of your organization.

To seize the full capabilities of HubSpot, however, you need to take time to plan. These preparations will make it easier for you to achieve your goals and bring in new customers. We have designed a straightforward 5-step plan that will help you create an efficient HubSpot workflow so that you are ready to move forward with the platform.


Define your goals and objectives for your HubSpot workflow

Before you go any further, you need to define the goals and objectives that you want to achieve through HubSpot. For example, you might have goals related to increasing the number of leads your business contacts within 4 hours of them becoming designated as a ‘sales ready’ lead. Since you know what you want to achieve through your workflow, you will find it easier to set up the workflow effectively. You will know which pieces you want to include, such as how the lead is assigned to a sales team member, how they make that first contact, and how you track the customer’s response.

You might also have workflows related to how you categorize leads based on buyer personas, how you qualify your leads, or how you engage your leads through particular emails.

Map your customer journey and create buyer personas

Your workflows will also work best when you pair them with a deep understanding of your customer journey and buyer personas. Your buyer personas describe the different types of buyers most likely to purchase from your business and the characteristics they have in common. For example, you might use features like their budget sizes, their pain points, and their roles in their organizations to group them.

Try HubSpot's "Make My Persona" tool to organize the information you've gathered about your personas.

The customer journey then maps how that particular persona interacts with you as they get closer to converting into a customer. Your customer journey will articulate the behaviors and stages customers typically go through as they become aware of their pain point, research and evaluate their options, make a purchase, then decide whether or not to renew.

You can use HubSpot to mark typical touch points within the different stages, such as the types of content they consume and how they respond to contact from you. This information can then help you designate customers according to category and stage and know how you want to engage with them for a more personalized experience.

Create a lead nurturing process that focuses on relationships

Lead nurturing describes the process in which you build your relationship with your lead and encourage them to become a customer. You want to create a lead nurturing process that will focus on this relationship. You should anticipate the questions your lead likely has and answer them with content and communications from your business. Know the email messages that will offer them value based on past behavior. Answer questions they ask through social media or directly to your business. The goal is to become a trusted resource in the field.

With HubSpot, you can create lead-nurturing workflows that aim to provide customers with these answers. For example, If/Then systems allow you to designate actions based on a particular behavior. If a customer downloads a particular piece of content, you might follow it up with a relevant piece of content by email a few days later. If they watch certain demonstration videos, they might receive a message inviting them to receive a walkthrough of your product. The key lies in personalizing the experience for each customer based on what matters to them.

Automate your sales and marketing processes to save time and boost efficiency

HubSpot also offers a variety of automation features that can make these workflows run even smoother. For example, you can automate having emails sent out on a particular schedule after a lead completes a designated action, such as viewing your pricing page. You might also automate data entry and incorporate information from different digital channels.

Many businesses find it helpful to use integrations to bring in information from other channels, like their Facebook Ad campaigns or their Mailchimp newsletters. This keeps all your information in one spot so you have the latest information on the needs of a given prospect.

Outline how to measure the success of your HubSpot workflow

Finally, do not underestimate the importance of tracking your success with careful analytics. By monitoring your success with your new workflows, you will see more clearly what works and what doesn’t. HubSpot makes it easy to track a variety of different analytics, including traffic to your website and customer behavior on your pages.

You can see how many people download different forms, the devices they use when browsing your site, and how they interact with different topic clusters. HubSpot helps you track the full customer lifecycle, from the success of your initial marketing campaigns to your touchpoints with each lead. You can compare your analytics before you create your workflow and after, helping you find areas for improvement.

Get started building your HubSpot Workflow

HubSpot offers you a variety of workflow optimization strategies. By taking the time to outline your goals, define your customer journey for different buyer personas, create a lead nurturing process that focuses on relationships, leverage HubSpot’s marketing automation features, and then use analytics to gauge your success, you will find ways to power your business growth.

If you want to see how B2B organizations like yours can take your inbound marketing to the next level with HubSpot, reach out to us at The Gist. As a leading inbound marketing agency, we can help businesses like yours with workflow optimization so you can seize your full potential.