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Is It Time to Invest in a Website Redesign?


May 29, 2024


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Your website shouldn't just be a place where people land; it should be the heart of your business growth. If you want a successful online marketing strategy, keeping your website up-to-date is important. A website redesign can be a fantastic way to spruce up your website and make it more user-friendly, but how do you know when it's the right time to do it? Here's the gist:

It's Time for a Rebrand

Your website is an indispensable part of your brand identity and should reflect the same visuals and messaging. As your business grows and your brand identity becomes more defined, it's crucial that your website aligns with this identity. By ensuring your website has consistent designs and other elements, you increase brand recognition and establish credibility with your audience. 

To guarantee visitors have a seamless experience across your website, it's essential to optimize every webpage with designs that adhere to specific guidelines. As you add new pages to your website, make sure they match the existing ones to create a cohesive experience. 

If you decide to rebrand your business at any point, updating your website should be a top priority. Even if you change only your company logo, it should be included on your web pages upon launch. This way, your rebrand will be even more effective in creating a lasting impact on your audience.

Your Website Isn't Easy to Use or Manage

If you or your organization are struggling to use or manage your website effectively, it may be time to consider a redesign. If you're having trouble managing your website's content, it's possible that you don't have a content management system (CMS) that offers the level of control you need over your content. CMS platforms are essential for adding and updating content, including text, images, and other media. Depending on your specific needs, there are several CMS platforms available that can help you with content management.

Poor development is another potential issue that can make your website difficult to use or manage. Your web development team should create a website that's as easy to use on the back end as it is on the front end.

HubSpot Website CMS

If you're looking for a reliable platform to build and maintain a professional-looking website, we highly recommend the HubSpot CMS. With HubSpot CMS, you can easily create and customize your website with a wide range of templates and themes, without the need for extensive coding skills. Additionally, the platform's intuitive interface makes it easy to manage your website's content, including images, videos, and blog posts.

The Website Isn't Optimized for Mobile Users

More and more people use mobile devices to conduct online searches and browse websites. As such, search engines like Google favor mobile versions of websites over their desktop counterparts when indexing and ranking. 

You need a mobile-responsive website to appeal to search engines and mobile users alike. Test your website on different devices, including smartphones and tablets. If your website looks and functions well on mobile devices, you'll have an easier time dominating search engines and connecting with mobile visitors.

You Simply Don't Like the Current Design

Sometimes, you might just not be feeling your website’s look anymore. If you cringe a bit when you show it to potential clients or partners or if it just feels like a chore to navigate, it might be time to shake things up with a redesign. Acknowledging these issues, whether it’s the outdated style or the clunky user experience, is your first step toward giving your website a much-needed facelift. 

You Want to Increase Traffic and Leads

Apart from general design, and web best practices, you need solid search engine optimization (SEO) to boost traffic. 

To benefit from SEO, you'll need to develop a successful strategy that combines well-placed keywords, high-quality content, backlinks, and other elements. Together, they'll help you appear higher on search results pages (SERPs) until you get more traffic than your competitors.

However, getting ample traffic isn't enough to make your website successful. You also need to convert the visitors who land on your pages into leads, which will eventually turn into customers. To attract more leads, you'll need to ensure the pages people land on via search engines bring real value.

Compelling and tempting calls to action (CTAs) will give visitors a clear direction when they first visit your website. Of course, an overall appealing design will also go a long way toward winning people over and turning more visitors into interested leads.

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The Competition Is Getting Ahead 

You may notice that your competitors' websites are performing better than yours. They may rank above yours or appear to attract more attention. In any case, a website redesign could be the key to getting you into the spotlight.

Remember that if you decide to redesign your website because it is outperforming competitors, it's in your best interest to avoid simply copying other sites. Instead, take cues from others based on what's working and what isn't and piece together a design that gets the same results while standing apart.

Appearing original will make your website and brand as a whole more memorable.

Get the Help You Need with Your Next Website Redesign

If you're ready to embark on a website redesign project, success is within reach when you have the right resources at your disposal. HubSpot's cutting-edge CMS is an invaluable tool that will empower you to make the most of your redesign and implement any necessary updates. Additionally, seeking assistance from an inbound marketing agency with expertise in redesigns tailored to your individual requirements can provide the support you need.

At The Gist, our experienced and reliable marketing team is all about setting your website up for success. Our website development includes everything you need: conceptual mockups, customization, and development of key page templates, such as product pages, contact forms, blogs, and landing pages. We handle the full spectrum, from crafting engaging copy and meticulous proofreading to sourcing and fine-tuning images and graphics. Plus, we offer comprehensive consulting on content strategy. For each page, we provide design, content insertion, SEO optimization, revisions, and finally, publishing. Need custom coding for enhanced functionality or styling? We’ve got that covered, too.

To discover the full range of services and benefits that we can offer you, don't hesitate to reach out to us today. Let's discuss your website redesign aspirations and explore all the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.